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F.J. Gamiz Perez
C. Márquez González,
"Systematic characterization of random telegraph noise and its dependence with magnetic fields in MOSFET devices", "Noise in Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices", 135-174, 2020
F.J. Gamiz Perez
"Biosensors based on two-dimensional materials", "2D Materials for Nanophotonics", 245-312, 2020
F.J. Gamiz Perez
C. Márquez González,
"Synthesis of graphene and other two-dimensional materials", "2D Materials for Nanophotonics", 1-79, 2020
C. Medina Bailón, T. Sadi, C. Sampedro Matarín, J.L. Padilla De La Torre, L. Donetti, V. Georgiev, F.J. Gamiz Perez
A. Asenov,
"Impact of the Trap Attributes on the Gate Leakage Mechanisms in a 2D MS-EMC Nanodevice Simulator", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", 273-280, 2019
N. Rodríguez Santiago, R. Ruiz -Sanchez, C. Márquez González
F.J. Gamiz Perez,
"Scribing Graphene Circuits", "Future Trends in Microelectronics: Journey into the Unknown", 207-216, 2016
J. Valenzuela Valdés, P. Padilla De La Torre
J.L. Padilla De La Torre,
"PBL with M-Learning", "Project Based Learning on Engineering: Foundations, Applications and Challenges", 133-153, 2015
L. Donetti
"Monte-Carlo simulation of ultra-thin film Silicon-On- Insulator MOSFETs", "Frontiers in Electronics: Advanced Modeling of Nanoscale Elec- tron Devices", 1-32, 2014
F.J. Gamiz Perez, C. Sampedro Matarín, L. Donetti
A. Godoy Medina,
"MONTE-CARLO SIMULATION OF ULTRA-THIN FILM SILICON-ON INSULATOR MOSFETs", "Frontiers in Electronics: Advanced Modeling of Nanoscale Elec- tron Devices", 1-32, 2014
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024